Is Sunday worship attendance necessary?
By David Woodbury
media and the magazine Others, have
been giving us glimpses into many of the innovative and exciting new ventures
being developed to connect with our communities. A cursory glance at the
reporting would indicate that there is an increasing number of peripheral
groups and activities being established that take mission to the community; a
move in the right direction.
at a time when Sunday meeting attendances have dramatically declined, we may
need to examine the necessity for attending religious services each Sunday. Can
the operation of these new ventures be a replacement to the traditional Sunday
gathering of believers? It may well be
that some see such a traditional gathering as redundant, obsolete and out of
touch with today’s community. Does the traditional gathering of believers each
Sunday have a scriptural basis, and can we justify it from a biblical basis and
church history?
first pattern we must examine is the example of Jesus during his earthly
ministry, and it is true that he spent much of his time away from the established
religious institution and among small groups.
However, any perfunctory reading of his ministry clearly demonstrated
that he was committed to the regular attendance at the synagogue or temple; “So He came to Nazareth, where He
had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue
on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. (Luke 4:16) In reality, there
are over 100 references in the four gospels to Jesus being in the religious
institution of his day. Clearly, attendance in, and commitment to a regular
gathering of believers was paramount in his lifestyle and the example he has
left for us.
If we
move forward to the example of the early church, we find a similar, even more,
committed pattern of attendance: “They
worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for
the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity.” (Acts
2:46) Once again this is a strong, re-occurring activity in the history of the
early church as recorded in Acts.
from the strong scriptural example of regular attendance, there are many positive
and fundamental reasons for our active participation with a body of believers,
not the least of these is the crucial need to belong in community. The reality
of today’s world with the influence of technology and the internet etc., which
has a tendency to isolate, is that we need community more than ever. A regular gathering of believers is a primary
building block in creating a meaningful and effective community.
attendance at gatherings of believers allows us to utilise to their fullest the
gifts God has given us and in so doing we build up the body of Christ, the
church. “Just as our bodies have many
parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body.
We are many parts of one body, and we all belong
to each other.” (Romans 12:4-5 – NLT)
is also a sense in which the voice of God may well be amplified and re-enforced
when we meet together as a community of faith, where we are surrounded by
like-minded believers and where corporate prayer and testimony provide us with
a stimulus in our spiritual journey that is unparalleled.
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Sunday Holiness Meeting - Zimbabwe. |
The Holiness Meeting and
The Salvation Meeting.
served specific needs for the community of faith. The Holiness Meeting to teach,
build and encourage the spiritual community, and The Salvation Meeting to reach
out with the message of salvation. While the terminology may not be applicable
today the crux of their reality remains. We still need to teach, build and
encourage the spiritual community and reach out with the message of salvation
church, which is the physical replacement for the body of Christ, needs a
constant and identifiable presence in the world and that presence is best
manifested in the regular meeting together of the broad, inclusive community of
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